How to use the Windows Recovery Console?
The Microsoft Windows recovery console was first introduced in Microsoft Windows 2000 and is available in all later versions of Windows including Windows XP. This feature enables users to recover, change, or fix files or settings that may be causing their computer not to boot properly.
Before using Microsoft Windows recovery console note following points:
- You will need to know the Microsoft Windows administrator password.
- Before running the Windows recovery console you need to realize you will need to have at least some experience using MS-DOS.
- You only have access to root directory and the Microsoft Windows or Winnt directory. This means you cannot open any other directory.
First, to get into the Microsoft Windows recovery console you must have a Microsoft Windows CD. Place the Windows CD in your computer and boot from the CD.
Note: If you do not have a standard Microsoft Windows XP CD you can get into the recovery console by using the Windows XP bootable diskettes. If you need a set of boot disks, check How to obtain Windows XP Setup boot disks.
Once in the Microsoft Windows Setup screen choose one of the below options, depending on which version of Microsoft Windows you are using.
Windows 2000 users:
- To repair a Windows 2000 installation, press R.
- To repair a Windows 2000 installation by using the recovery console, press C.
- To repair a Windows XP installation using recovery console, press R.
Microsoft Windows(R) Recovery Console
The Recovery Console provides system repair and recovery functionality. Type EXIT to quit the Recovery Console and restart the computer.
Which Windows Installation would you like to log on to
(To cancel, press ENTER)?
Therefore press 1 if you wish to edit the primary Windows installation.
Enter the Windows XP Administrator Password:
After selecting the installation you will be prompted for the administrator password, enter the password exactly as you would in Windows. If you do not know the Windows administrator password you cannot enter the recovery mode.
Finally after you have entered the password you will be at a MS-DOS prompt similar to the MS-DOS shell window you can get through Windows. However, you will also have access to many additional commands not found in standard MS-DOS mode.
Typing in help at the prompt will give a complete listing of all commands available through the prompt.
Command | Purpose |
Attrib | Changes the attributes of a file or directory |
Batch | Executes the commands specified in the text file |
Bootcfg | Boot file (boot.ini) configuration and recovery |
CD / ChDir | Displays the name of the current directory or changes the current directory |
Chkdsk | Checks a disk and displays a status report |
Cls | Clears the screen |
Copy | Copies a single file to another location |
Del / Delete | Deletes one or more files |
Dir | Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory |
Disable | Disables a system service or a device driver |
Diskpart | Manages partitions on your hard drives |
Enable | Starts or enables a system service or a device driver |
Exit | Exits the Recovery Console and restarts your computer |
Expand | Extracts a file from a compressed file |
Fixboot | Writes a new partition boot sector onto the specified partition |
Fixmbr | Repairs the master boot record of the specified disk |
Format | Formats a disk |
Help | Displays a list of the commands you can use in the Recovery Console |
Listsvc | Lists the services and drivers available on the computer |
Logon | Logs on to a Windows installation |
Map | Displays the drive letter mappings |
MD / Mkdir | Creates a directory |
More | Displays a text file |
Net Use | Connects a network share to a drive letter |
Ren / Rename | Renames a single file |
RD / Rmdir | Deletes a directory |
Set | Displays and sets environment variables |
Systemroot | Sets the current directory to the systemroot directory |
Type | Displays a text file. |
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