Fire with Lighting effects

The 1st step to take is to make a  *light* object

Click on the Light object and
in the General tab change the

Type - Omni
Visible light - Visible
Noise - both
Now for the orangeish yellow color of flames change the
R- 229
G- 127
B- 51
and brightness to 175%
*these can be messed with to fit personal prefrence*
Now click on the Details tab and change the
fall off to Inverse Square (R7)
    - the R7 is for people who have version 9 or above-
then change the inner radius to 500
and the radius decay to 2000 
This is the last step
   - all previous steps can be changed for personal prefrence -
Click on the Noise tab and change the
Type -    Wavy Turbulance
Octaves -   8     * the lower the number the softer the flames are*
Velocity -  300%
Brightness -   -50%
Contrast - 200%
Visibility scale -  100, 150, 100
Illumination scale 4
Wind -   -1, 5, 0 
Wind velocity - 6
Final Picture
*keep in mind it can take awhile to render*

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