First start out with a New Project just like above
move down to the Material Editor and click on File, there will list a bunch of diffrent options, what we need is the two Pyrocluster Materials.... click on pyrocluster and pyrocluster volume tracer.
move down to the Material Editor and click on File, there will list a bunch of diffrent options, what we need is the two Pyrocluster Materials.... click on pyrocluster and pyrocluster volume tracer.
Next what we need is the Enviornment, so move up to the top and click on Objects>Scene> and then onto the Enviornment Option.
The Environment will then show up in the Objects manager on the right.
None of the Pyrocluster will work with out the Emitter. So click on Objects>Particle>Emitter, This will also show up in the Object manager on the right.
Go back to the Material Editor and open/doubleclick on the Pyrocluster so that the Editor opens.
Move down to the Settings option and click on user and scroll down to Fireball, then click Yes for converting the parameters.
each of the Textures in the Material Editor have to be connected with the Emitter and the Enviornment in the objects manager. To do this Simply Click and drag each of the Textures to the Objects...
Pyrocluster - Emitter
Pryocluster Volume Tracer - Enviornment
Click on the Green play button and play the scene to about 45 or more frames, its really preference.
Move up to Render and click on Render View. or CTRL+R and it will render the frame.....
*note Rendering Pyrocluster can take some time*
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